CHANGELOG - Funky Penguin's Geek Cookbook

 CHANGELOG Subscribe to updates Sign up (double-opt-in) to receive email updates on new and improve recipes! Recently added recipes Home Assistant - Home automation platform with support for a bazillion components (24 Dec 2017) Plex : Media management and playback platform to play all the media you acquired using AutoPirate (21 Dec 2017) Portainer : Sexy management UI for your docker container/swarm (16 Dec 2017) NextCloud : A personal dropbox-style online storage platform with a large ecosystem of 3rd-party apps for Calendaring, Contacts, Document Editing, etc. (16 Dec 2017) AutoPirate : A full stack of NZB/Torrent tools for discovering, managing your media. (12 Dec 2017) Recent improvements Kanboard recipe improved with the inclusion of a cron container to run automated daily jobs (22 Dec 2017)

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