Shared Storage (Ceph) - Funky Penguin's Geek Cookbook

Hi I am totally new to this topic, go gentle on me.
I am trying to create a one node cluster just to see if i got basics right.
(and do i really need 3 cluster hosts, if so i might have to give up now as i only have two)

I get this error (and yes i had to do the secret export):

root@docker01:/etc# mount -a
mount error: no mds server is up or the cluster is laggy

how long does it take to create the mds?

root@docker01:/etc# ceph -s
id:     9fa14f50-af83-11ea-a832-0211322d0d4d
        1 MDSs report slow metadata IOs
        Reduced data availability: 65 pgs inactive
        Degraded data redundancy: 65 pgs undersized
        OSD count 1 < osd_pool_default_size 3
mon: 1 daemons, quorum docker01 (age 58m)
mgr: docker01.xnkndd(active, since 56m)
mds: data:1 {0=data.docker01.tvnvea=up:creating}
osd: 1 osds: 1 up (since 50m), 1 in (since 50m)
  task status:
scrub status: idle
pools:   3 pools, 65 pgs
objects: 0 objects, 0 B
usage:   1.0 GiB used, 499 GiB / 500 GiB avail
pgs:     100.000% pgs not active
         65 undersized+peered

Hey @scyto!

Hmm, I’ve not tried with a single node - but it does look unhappy about only having 1 OSD. I’d still have expected the MDS to start though - what’s the specs of the node you’re using? If it’s too old/slow, you may be bumping into some default IO limits…

You could also try checking the logs of the mds contain, incase that gives a clue?


Thanks for the pointers, will try again soon. I tore down the docker host completely to start again incase I made some muck up the first time through.

The docker host is actually a Debian VM running on a synology VM host. The data volume is an iscsi volume on the vmhost mapped into the Debian VM.

I could see how that could cause issues if it is expecting extremely high IO, but mapping the iscsi volume into windows to test speed showed it was reasonably fast.

tl;dr i lost the logs in the process of tearing it all down :slight_smile:

If you’re doing a 1-node cluster, you don’t really even need Ceph. Just create /var/data on the host and have the Docker containers access it there. Ceph is for keeping data highly available between nodes. So, unless you’re setting this up now and meaning to add more nodes to the Swarm later, I think you could just ignore Ceph and move on.

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The _netdev mount option (which waits for network before mounting) doesn’t seem to be available in newer distros. It didn’t work for me on ubuntu 20.04 and it doesn’t work on 18.04 latest as far as i can tell. You can replace _netdev with x-systemd.automount in fstab, which waits for I’m not sure whether waiting for or is a better option (if you manually wrote a .mount file instead of using fstab to generate it, you could instead specify to wait on the network specifically), but x-systemd.automount seemed to work for me. If you don’t do this, (depending on your system) your mount (at boot) may fail due to the network not being up before systemd tries to mount cephfs.

Also perhaps consider moving the section of ceph-common to the start considering things like ceph orch will require it to be installed. You’ll also need either docker or podman to be installed before bootstrapping using cephadm, so maybe that should be mentioned as well espcially considering the docker setup comes after the ceph setup…

Wanted to share something I learned. I’ve been trying to figure out why my ceph installation kept failing on fresh, vanilla instances of Ubuntu Server 20.04. Ceph kept insisting /var/lib/ceph was mounted as a read-only fs, despite the fact that it also sometimes wrote to it. Turns out if you choose to install docker during the OS installation using Ubuntu’s fancy new installer, it installs the snap version of docker - which doesn’t play nice with ceph, and also doesn’t produce very helpful error messages. Removing it and installing docker normally (Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Documentation) fixes it right up, though.

Oooh, nice catch, thanks @rdotts !

I’m trying to follow this recipe and I’m stuck at mounting the filesystem.
Everything works fine until:

mkdir /var/data

MYNODES="<node1>,<node2>,<node3>" # Add your own nodes here, comma-delimited
MYHOST=`ip route get | grep -oP 'src \K\S+'`
echo -e "
# Mount cephfs volume \n
raphael,donatello,leonardo:/ /var/data ceph name=admin,noatime,_netdev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount -a

MYNODES and MYHOST are not used so probably obsolete ?
The ninja turtles are probably your nodes. But anyway. I can’t add the ceph mount line on any node because there is no ceph installed on the nodes or did I miss something.

I’m also having issues with this recipe on Ubuntu 20.04 – which may be related to ceph making changes, because none of the ceph commands work outside of cephadm shell anymore, this is the result for any of them:[errno 13] RADOS permission denied (error connecting to the cluster)

Not sure how to fix it yet.